Creation of Innovative Science, Technology and Business for 21st-Century

IIST director Yoshito Tanaka
The institute for innovative science and Technology was established in 2002 April by President Tokio Yamabe who studied and inherited Novel prize winner Ken'ich Fukui laboratory in Kyoto university. He had a strong conviction of the sublime vision as "innovative research is essential for the creation of a strong university brand" and a virile leadership to execute the research realizing "creation 21st-century science and technology for human being". In 2003, IIST was designated as "base laboratory promoting for science frontier project" by MEXT Japan under "Study on the creation of environmental energy and its advanced application". Furthermore, IIST was designated as Japan's first project “Green Center of Excellence of Creation of Green Innovation from Universities" funded by MEXT in 2013. The title of the project was "Evaluation and Verification of an Intelligent Control System with Modeling of Green Energy Devices by Constructing a Micro-Grid System in University Campus" for studying the next generation renewable energy such as ocean stream, wave power, wind power, solar power and so on. In 2015, not only the Division of Fundamental Science was established to research high energy physics, high temperature superconductivity, animal ecology, and so on, but also its reorganization was carried out for challenging to globalization and demonstrating leadership in addressing numerous challenges.
Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science was established in 1942, has over seventy years old history. We adopt the logo mark used as the symbol of Nagasaki Institute of Naval Architecture, which was the symbol of our boasts a glorious tradition respecting for seniors to act up its founding spirit of “pursuit of practical science” and “originality and creativity”. So as not to be ashamed of in history, we would like to continue to research and develop on innovative science and technology towards achieving sustainable societies and contribute to industrial revolution and regional vitalization on the basis of the charter.