Division of Ocean and Industrial New Technology
  • Executive Director for Division of Ocean and Industrial New Technology
  • Professor
  • Dr. HONDA, Iwao
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science
  • Field of Research
  • -
  • Research
  • -
  • Associate Director for Division of Ocean and Industrial New Technology
  • Professor
  • Dr. KURODA, Katsuhiko
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, Graduate School and School of NIAS
  • Field of Research
  • Vibration and Acoustics Engineering
  • Research
  • Recently, the reduction in size and weight of machine products is given as one approach of the industrial world to energy problems. However, the vibration and noise problem at high frequency shows a tendency to occur because of the thin plate structure. The following contents are examined using energy analysis methods.
    i) Identification of vibration source and noise source
    ii) Reduction of vibration and noise
    iii) Expansion to diagnostic technology as to vibration and noise
  • Professor
  • Dr. HAYASHITA, Shigeru
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, Graduate School and School of NiAS
  • Field of Research
  • Ship Hydrodynamics
  • Research
  • Ships have to move a large volume of cargo to desired destinations cheaply and on time. In order to achieve projected objectives, the target speed has to be attained by smaller engines.
    Put another way, the improvement of propulsive performance is desired.
    We study low-resistance ship forms and high performance propellers theoretically and experimentally.
    Experiments are conducted in the towing tank (L×B×D=60m ×4m×2.3m) and the small circulating channel at NIAS.
  • Professor
  • 梶原, 宏之
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div,
  • Field of Research
  • Research
  • Professor
  • Dr. 松岡, 和彦
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, 長崎総合科学大学大学院、長崎総合科学大学船舶工学コース
  • Field of Research
  • 船殻構造強度,船舶設計システム,船体構造の合理化及び長寿命化に関連する研究,熟練者技能継承のための匠の技シミュレータシステム開発に関する研究,中小造船所の生産効率化に関する研究
  • Research
  • 近年,コンピュータの発達に伴い,船舶や海洋構造物の ような大型構造物の設計には,CADやCAEを利用しなが ら効率良く設計を進めることが不可欠になっている。そこで,建造コストの大きな要因を占める船殻構造の設計に着 目し,構造強度の信頼性が高く,設計や建造の知識を組み 込んだ,設計者の意思決定を支援する新しい船舶設計システムについて研究する。また中小造船所の建造効率化に関する研究や生産性向上に関する相談にも対応します。
  • Professor
  • Dr. IKEGAMI, Kunihiro
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, Institute for Innovative Science and Technology
  • Field of Research
  • Ship and Ocean Hydrodynamics
  • Research
  • In order to plan and design various kinds of offshore structures, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the hydrodynamic performance of those offshore structures. We study a method to predict, theoretically and experimentally, the response character- istics of offshore structures with reference to the effect of mooring system in waves.
    Moreover, a new type of offshore structure with excellent performance is investigated by use of the above method, and its potential for realization is evaluated.
  • Professor
  • Dr. KAGEMOTO, Hiroshi
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, Graduate School and School of NiAS
  • Field of Research
  • -
  • Research
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  • Professor
  • Dr. HORI, Tsutomu
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, Graduate School and School of NiAS
  • Field of Research
  • Fluid Mechanics of Ship Waves
  • Research
  • A calculating program is developed to analyze the unsteady hydrodynamic forces acting on a 2D oscillating wing which advances below a free surface.Then, free surface effects are computed by constructing the unsteady Green function considering wave generation caused by 2D vortex.
  • Professor
  • 石川, 曉
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, 海洋エネルギセンター長,産官学連携センタ、新技術創成研究所(海洋・複合新技術部門、AI応用研究センタ)、日本船舶海洋工学会
  • Field of Research
  • 船舶流体力学
  • Research
  • 専門分野は船舶流体力学で、主たる研究テーマは「船舶の性能予測法ならびに省エネ船の開発」です。これまでの主な研究実績は、以下の通りです。
          護衛艦、潜水艦、調査船、巡視船、水陸両用車 など 

  • Associate Professor
  • Dr. MATSUKAWA, Yutaka
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, Graduate School and School of NiAS
  • Field of Research
  • Aerospace Engineering Thermal-Fluid Engineering
  • Research
  • We study thermal-fluid engineering on space transport vehicles such as earth reentry vehicles.
    Specific subjects of research are high-temperature gas, thermal protection system, turbulence, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). We also study the engineering applications of smart fluid.
  • Associate Professor
  • Dr. FURUNO, Hiroshi
  • Affiliation
  • ai cen, O&I div, oe cen, Graduate School and School of NIAS
  • Field of Research
  • 船体構造,構造設計,最適設計,構造解析,水中ロボット,人工知能
  • Research
  • 近年では,船舶の初期設計段階における最適化プロセスにおいて,数多くの設計案が検討されている。しかしながら,これらの最適化プロセスにおいて有限要素法を用いて船体構造の強度評価を行うことは,計算時間やコンピュータの能力等の観点から困難である。このような背景から,より高性能な最適化設計手法や簡便かつ計算精度の良い簡易強度評価法の開発が望まれている。このため,我々は,遺伝的アルゴリズムやニューラルネットワークを用いた船体構造のための初期最適設計システムや簡易強度評価法の開発を行っている。

  • Associate Professor
  • Dr. OKADA, Koichi
  • Affiliation
  • O&I div, Graduate School and School of NiAS
  • Field of Research
  • Strength of Materials Fracture Mechanics Structural Analysis
  • Research
  • The effects of several parameters related to fatigue strength, i.e. material, mechanical, shape and environmental factors, must be understood quantitatively in order to estimate the fatigue strength of welded structures accurately and to develop new materials or components with excellent resistance to fatigue failure. To accomplish this, we carry out investigations to establish a method to evaluate fatigue strength experimentally and theoretically.