Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering

The missions for the division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering is to study and develop solutions to enable global and local sustainable society not only utilizing biomass resources such as wood and organic waste, but also safe and secure food and crop production. Furthermore the advanced technology of energy related devices such as lithium ion battery and fuel cell with the application of nanotechnology is also the R&D theme of this division.
Research Themes
- ■ Gasification technology of woody and grassy biomass
- ■ High quality bio diesel fuel production process from the waste oil
- ■ Advanced Methane fermentation technology of the organic waste
- ■ Fertilizing technology of the sludge from the methane fermentation facility
- ■ Cultivation experiment of the plant using the practical facilities
- ■ Development of lithium ion battery and fuel cell
Research Achievements
- ■ Waste oil recovery system cooperated with the private enterprise, the administration and the local community
- ■ Energy conversion of sewage sludge and utilization of its residual substance(East Nagasaki Eco-town project)
- ■ Cultivation technique with the organic fertilizer
- ■ Carbonaceous materials for the electrode of lithium ion battery
Division of Electrical, Electronics, and Information Technology

The missions for the division of variety of arts (e.g. Engineering, Information Technology, Medical Care and Robotics) are combined and utilized to study and develop solutions to use various new technologies for saving-energy, disaster-prevention and a better life based on ICT.
Research Themes
- ■ Energy management system and controlling/monitoring energy device for smart microgrid.
- ■ Next generation robot system such as a guidance robot capable of operating in public space.
- ■ Big Data application and the system.
- ■ Development of the system and device to realize Smart Cities.
- ■ Next generation medical instrument for preventive measure, diagnosis and treatment.
Research Achievements
- ■Creation of Green Innovation form Universities -Green Center of Excellence - funded by MEXT.
- ■ Energy saving and reduction of CO2 emissions of power plant.
- ■ Tomato harvesting robot and underwater small robot.
- ■ Conceptual design of Nagasaki Smart City for tourism
- ■ Conceptual design of Isahaya Smart Wellness City - realizing a disaster prevention and watching/caring system using CATV.
- ■ Archive of historic buildings and landscapes by the three-dimensional(3D) CG.
- ■ Statistical analysis process using a non-numeric data, applied research of practical decision-making techniques.
- ■ Design evaluation based on the physiological and psychological data.
- ■ Research and development of catheter-type clot crushing suction device.
Division of Ocean and Industrial New Technology

The missions for the division of variety of arts (e. g. Naval architecture, Machinery engineering, Aerospace engineering, Civil engineering) are combined and utilized to study and develop various new technologies.
Research Themes
- ■ Structural response analysis to next generation structure
- ■ Development and practical use of renewable energy source
- ■ New ship design and building using ICT
- ■ Research of fluid analysis
Research Achievements
- ■ Formulation of Shear flow analytical method using graph theory
- ■ Dynamic analysis method;patent number 4164482
- ■ Structural optimization method using partial model;patent number 5477755
- ■ Development of paint simulator
- ■ Development of welder simulator
- ■ Formulation of green function considering wave generation caused by by vortex ring
Division of Fundamental Science

Division of Fundamental Science has a mission to play core roles in education and research in NIAS in order to advance technology and science. By providing framework for an industry-academia-government joint field, it aims creation of new technology and new enterprise. For the purpose of "creating a 21st century science and technology for humanity", we are promoting a wide variety of researches such as environmental and energy technology, information technology, nano- and new material science, and biotechnology. Furthermore our research fields include very fundamental science such as the high-energy nuclear and particle physics.
Research Themes
- ■ high energy nuclear experiments
- ■ particle physics (theory and experiment)
- ■ theoretical study of high temperature superconductivity
- ■ animal ecology
- ■ econophysics, renewable energy economics
- ■ Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
Research Achievements
- ■ Front-end readout system for RICH detector of PHENIX experiment at BNL, USA.
- ■ Quark-gluon-plasma creation at early universe and developing readout system for ALICE experiment at CERN.
- ■ Development of the CSL data logger system for the CDF experiment at Fermilab, USA.
- ■ Development of the SCT silicon detector for the ATLAS experiment at CERN.
- ■ Analysis of for dimensional universe theory by matrix model, quantization theory under generalized uncertainty principle.
- ■ Theoretical expectations for high-temperature superconductivity of carbonic material by cooper pair creation in benzene molecule.
- ■ Analyses on the mechanism of polymorphism evolution in animals
- ■ Conceptual-Semantic studies on spatial expressions and motion expressions in Japanese