Division of Ocean and Industrial New Technology
- Associate Professor
- Dr. 佐藤, 雅紀
- Affiliation
- O&I div, 海洋・複合新技術部門, 海洋エネルギー研究センター,長崎総合科学大学大学院
- Field of Research
- ロボット工学,移動ロボットの開発および運動制御に関する研究,神経回路網を模倣した制御機構に関する研究
- Research
- 様々な環境において活動するロボットを開発し,人間社会において運用することを目指す。例えば,海洋資源の探査が注目されているが,水中における作業は人間にとって危険な作業の一つである。そこで自律型水中ロボット(AUVs)が人間の代わりに作業することが期待されている。そのためには,故障しにくいハードウェアや計測装置,様々な状況に対応できる制御システムが求められる。また,混雑した場所においてロボットを運用するためには,ナビゲーションシステムだけでなく,人間に危害を加えないための安全性についても考えなくてはならない。
- Associate Professor
- Dr. 藤田, 謙一
- Affiliation
- O&I div, 長崎総合科学大学工学部工学科建築学コース
- Field of Research
- 建築構造システム,浮体式海洋建築,地震・津波防災
- Research
- Guest Professor
- Dr. 石井, 和男
- Affiliation
- O&I div, 九州工業大学大学院生命体工学研究科 教授
- Field of Research
- ロボティクス
- Research
- ロボット分野の幅広い活用について
- Guest Professor
- Dr. KINOSHITA, Takeshi
- Affiliation
- O&I div, oe cen, Graduate School of NiAS
- Field of Research
- Ocean Renewable Energy Utilization Marine Hydrodynamics
- Research
- Promotion of ocean renewable energy is one of the main energy resources for the future from the view-point of global warming and national security of energy resources. Political issues by the government, strategic arrangement of infrastructures and supply chain by industries and additional schemes to catch up to front runners such as Europe are studied.Motion of floating bodies and marine hydrodynamics are also studied.
- Guest Professor
- Dr. NOSE, Mikio
- Affiliation
- O&I div, oe cen, Graduate School and School of NIAS
- Field of Research
- Structural System Structural Analysis
- Research
- Recently, in the stage of early planning and concept design for ships and other large structures, the designer must take into account the shortest term, highest accuracy, lowest cost and best efficiency when selecting a plan from among many structural models. In this stage, it is not always easy to make designs using large structural analysis by FEM. Our studies focus on the structural analysis with optimal accuracy and efficiency needed in the early-stage design of frame structures and thin-walled structures, and on the practical application system of structural analysis implementing new concepts.
- Guest Researcher
- Dr. KANAMARU, Hideyuki
- Affiliation
- O&I div, Graduate School and School of NIAS
- Field of Research
- Environmental Engineering of Horticulture and Agricultural Meteorology
- Research
- Energy consumption analysis of ship maneuvering and new technology of ship navigation control .Global system integration covering land and ocean via communication satellite(monitoring & management) .R&D of real-time simulator for ship motion or plant dynamics .Analysis of measured data enabling to keep both of high preciseness and effective data processing
- Guest Researcher
- MATSUO, Hiroshi
- Affiliation
- O&I div, Blue Ocean, Ltd.
- Field of Research
- Architectural and Environmental Engineering
- Research
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- Guest Researcher
- Dr. SOEJIMA, Katunori
- Affiliation
- O&I div, Science Research Co., Ltd.
- Field of Research
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- Research
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